Q&A with Alex Feechan Founder of FINDRA Activewear

Alex Feechan is the founder of FINDRA an award winning outdoor active lifestyle clothing brand. Here  she tells us all about the vision behind this exciting brand which takes inspiration from its stunning Tweed Valley surroundings and pride in its Scottish heritage. Find out more here ……. and be sure to visit her shop on Henderson Row, Stockbridge.

Your passion for cycling was the catalyst for developing FINDRA, tell us about THE lightbulb moment.

I remember the lightbulb moment so clearly; I was standing in the bike shop in Glentress Forest having just finished an amazing bike ride with a great bunch of women. I wanted to buy some kit for my new hobby and headed to the Hub to look at what was on offer. I distinctly remember looking at the clothes and seeing that 80% of the products were for men and the 20% on offer for women were really just an afterthought of the men’s range, and suffered from what we refer to in the industry as the ‘shrink it and pink it’ approach to designing women’s product. I thought about how much I loved the sport, and the energy and positivity of the women I cycled with, and I just thought in that moment, ‘I can do this,’ and, ‘I can do it better.’ At that point, the seed of what has become FINDRA was sewn.

And why merino?
I have worked as a fashion designer for 20 + years and, in that time, I’ve worked with a number of beautiful fabrics and fibres. Merino was always one of my favourites and one which I knew was perfect for the outdoors due to the many amazing properties the fibre has; it is temperature regulating, odour resistant, has wicking properties, and is eco-friendly and sustainable. I took note of what people wore when they were on their bikes or outdoors and there was an awful lot of polyester around. In the Scottish climate, that’s not going to make for a great outdoor experience because it doesn’t wick moisture away, it doesn’t keep you warm and it really smells after a couple of times wearing it. I could see that people were layering up with sweatshirts and jackets to try and keep warm. Wearing all that bulk, how could you possibly enjoy your activity? I made it my mission from the start that we would create lightweight products that are easy to layer up and light to carry when you don’t need to wear them, and merino is perfect for all of that.

Before FINDRA, you banked up over 20 years as a high-end fashion designer. Tell us more about this time of your life and how you think it has contributed to the success of FINDRA.
Since leaving the Royal College of Art I have always been based in Scotland, but worked internationally. I have worked for Scottish Mills, which has close relationships with major fashion houses, and I have been fortunate enough to work on the knitwear design and product development of many of the world’s most-prestigious brands, including Chanel, Calvin Klein, Escada and Brooks Brothers. Prior to setting up FINDRA, I worked as the design manager for the Scottish knitwear arm of South Korean retail company ELAND, which has more than 50,000 retail outlets across China and South Korea. During this time, I travelled to Seoul to work with the design teams on styles for the Asian market, as well as developing the in-house gold ranges for the Scottish brand. My career has taken me all over the world and I have gained great insight into what is involved in designing for international markets. Having worked on the products for luxury brands, I learned about quality as well as developing a strong technical knowledge and skill set, all of which helped hugely with launching FINDRA.

What are the key challenges you have faced so far and how have you overcome them? 

There have been many challenges, from cash-flow management to supply-chain issues and many other things in between. When you are building a business and establishing a brand, there’s a lot to juggle, especially in the early days when you are pretty much doing everything yourself, which can be very challenging. There are also things you don’t know much about and which are not your specialism, and you can find yourself very much out of your comfort zone. With all of the issues I have faced in the last four years, the best approach I have found is to face things head on, understand what you are going through and how you can resolve the situation, make sure you have a good network of people you can talk to, have one or two mentors that you can turn to who will be straight and honest with you and who you can trust implicitly. It’s so important to share the issues you face with a trusted person, even if you just need someone to be a sounding board. Always follow your gut instinct though and ensure you are happy with decisions – no one knows your business better than you do.

FINDRA is much more than just a clothing brand; you nurture a community of outdoor adventurers through your get-fit meet-ups and host regular design events and talks. Tell us more about the community you are building.

At FINDRA, we create great products, but we also aim to encourage and empower others to get outdoors and discover the enormous benefits that come from being in nature and being active; even if it’s a simple 15-minute walk, a jog, a run or a cycle, the positive impact on your mindset is amazing.

This ethos is at the core of FINDRA and was a vital part of what inspired me to create the brand (as well as the desire to design great clothing). I know firsthand the impact that getting outdoors can have on your state of mind. FINDRA evolved from a very difficult time in my life, when I was personally at my lowest. Life had taken a bit of an unexpected change of direction, and it left me feeling really vulnerable and pretty low. Struggling to cope with things, I would use my time on the bike as a means of therapy and would head off into the hills to clear my head, and find time and space to get perspective and thinking time. It was often really hard to make the decision and even harder to actually get outdoors, but I always felt so much better once I was on my way and within 10 minutes of being in the hills, I knew if had done the right thing.

Encouraging people to understand these benefits and take the steps to get outdoors is hugely important to me. It’s not about getting to the top of the hill, being the fastest or the fittest, it’s about getting outdoors and just enjoying living in the present and getting some perspective. By building a community around the brand that shares that view and the passion for getting out there, we hope to encourage others to take those first steps. The FINDRA talks offer a platform for others to share their stories, which might inspire someone else. Our speakers are real people who try things and are amazed at what they can achieve, brand ambassadors who are not top athletes, but everyday people who do great things because they are motivated by the benefits of time spent in nature and want to share that. We hold monthly talks at FINDRA to share these stories and inspire others, we also organise social bike rides and runs so that people can take the first step with a friendly encouraging bunch of people who will support them. The community aspect of what we do is an important part of our brand identity and what we as a team believe in.

You have some fantastic ambassadors; tell us more about how you choose these people?

We have been fortunate since starting FINDRA to have worked with some amazing people who love our products, and share our values and ethos. All of our ambassadors are truly inspirational, whether it’s Jenny Tough, who was the only woman to complete the Silk Road Race (a gruelling ultra-distance unsupported bike packing race in Kyrgyzstan) a few months ago, or Dee Hollingsbee, who lives in the Tweed Valley and volunteers as a bike coach, taking groups of kids out each weekend to improve their bike skills. Real people who have a wide range of adventures from cycling round the world to more everyday, accessible adventures. All of whom share a love and passion for the great outdoors and for encouraging more people to enjoy that experience at any level.

Your design hub is in Innerleithen and you have a shop on Henderson Row in Stockbridge. What attracted you to this part of Edinburgh? 

Our approach to retail is slightly quirky, the Design Hub in Innerleithen is a great space from where all logistical aspects of the business are run. Our customers can see what goes on behind the scenes when they visit the shop, from our design process to meeting the team, which is a great way for them to connect with the brand. When it came to the shop in Edinburgh, we wanted a modest space to start with. Our position near Stockbridge works well for us because we like the area’s community feel. Even though it is part of a bigger city, Stockbridge retains a village feel, which we really like about it. There is also a great community of cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts in the area, and with shops like Ronde and Alpine Bikes nearby, we know we are in good company.

You have been shortlisted for the Business Women Scotland Awards for Innovator of the Year (congratulations!!) What does this mean to you?

Being shortlisted for an award means a great deal to me: there are some amazing female-led businesses out there, so making it to the shortlist is a great compliment. I am especially pleased that it is innovation that we have been recognised for. We work hard to be innovative in the way we approach the design of our products, and in how we problem solve and run the business. Innovation is at the core of what we do, and having that recognised by our peers and business community is fantastic.

What’s your life motto (if you have one)?

‘You can’t do it without doing it!’

Top tips for a first-time visitor to Edinburgh.

Edinburgh is a fantastic city to visit. There are so many things to do, it’s important to check out what’s on in advance. Do as much research as possible and plan where you want to go. The amazing thing about Edinburgh is the contrast that exists from the landscape to the mix of architecture, nature, history and modern design. One minute you could be in the Castle immersed in history and Scottish culture from hundreds of years ago, and the next you could find yourself in front of the Scottish Parliament looking at one of the most fantastic pieces of modern architecture of the last century. Of course, there is the vast retail experience on offer, from shiny big brands to hidden gems like FINDRA. Or the numerous cultural experiences and museums, to walking up Arthur’s Seat to take in the stunning surrounding views.

Address: 15 Henderson Row, Edinburgh EH3 5DH
Web: findraclothing.com

Photographs were taken by Phil Wilkinson at the Innerleithen design hub.