Maggie’s Carols On Your Couch

Last year Maggie’s Edinburgh hosted its first Christmas concert ‘Carols by Candlelight’ which took place live at St Mary’s Cathedral and was a huge success!  Due to current and foreseen restrictions Maggie’s is taking this festive concert online this year, in collaboration with all eight of the Maggie’s Centres across Scotland.

The online singalong concert ‘Maggie’s Carols On Your Couch’ will (remotely) bring people together (remotely) and after such a difficult year for so many, inspire this festive season to be a time to focus on celebrating family, friends and the little moments that bring us all joy.

There is a great line-up of talented musicians and singers along with readings from some well-known Scottish faces which are sure to ‘light up’ your laptop!

So, help spread some Christmas cheer and join Maggie’s, for this singalong Christmas concert. Please tell your friends too the more the merrier! #CarolsOnYourCouch fun.

Tickets for the festive ‘Carols on Your Couch’ are available for a donation of only £10, which will go straight to our eight centres across Scotland.

The Maggie’s team is needed more than ever and your donations will help provide support for people with cancer in person or online.

Important Info:

When: Thu, 3 December 2020, 19:30 – 20:30 GMT

Where: Online

How: Buy tickets here:

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